Table of Contents:
  • COST and the Action A27 LANDMARKS
  • The CSIC, the CCHS and the Research Line archaeology and social processes
  • Preface / Tom Bloemers
  • Theorising Landmarks. Landscapes in European history : some thoughts from the COST A27 experience / Almudena Orejas, David Mattingly, and Monique Clavêl-Lévêque
  • Historic landscapes in Europe : highlights and challenges / Heleen van Londen, María Ruíz del Árbol and Almudena Orejas
  • Recording and characterising landmarks
  • Concepts and approaches to analyse regional landscape histories / Daniel Salzmann, Oliver Bender and Matthias Bürgi
  • Hidden landscapes and ancient landmarks : some theoretical and methodological issues of studying early historical landscapes in Southwest Iberia / Frank Vermeulen and Filipe Themudo Barata
  • Regards croisés sur la viticulture en Catalogne et en Languedoc romains / Monique Clavêl-Lévêque and Oriol Olesti
  • Less obvious Imperial landscapes : distant Britannia and Hispania / David Mattingly and Almudena Orejas
  • Culture, technology and change in pre-industrial silver-mining / Peter Cloughton, Christoph Bartels and Marie-Christine Bailly-Maître
  • Perceiving, protecting, and representing landmarks. La perception des paysages antiques de l'Asie Mineure à l'Occident (Italie et France méridionales) : mythe ou réalités archéologiques? / Rita Compatangelo-Soussignan and Raffaella Pierobon-Benoit
  • Character and change : heritage management and the future European landscape / Graham Fairclough and Per Grau Møller
  • Integration of European cultural landscapes data within Spatial Data Infrastructures (SDI) / Miguel Lage ... [et al.]
  • The application of digital terrain analysis to geoarchaeology : a case study from Thera Island (Greece) / Theodoros Gournelos ... [et al.]
  • Formalisation of a GIS-based methodology for landscape change analysis : example of erosion on Naxos island, Aegean Sea, Greece / Niki Evelpidou, Alenka Krek and Andreas Vassilopoulos
  • Concluding remarks. European landscapes and the COST A27 Action : retrospect and prospect / David Mattingly, Almudena Orejas and Monique Clavêl-Lévêque.